Feeding & Swallowing Therapy
"It's more than just speech…"

We specialize in VitalStim® swallowing therapy, which effectively restores ability to swallow and eat the least restrictive diet possible in patients suffering from dysphagia (difficulty swallowing).

Common Dysphagia Symptoms:
Coughing/clearing of throat after swallow
Difficulty swallowing or initiating a swallow
Abnormal volitional cough
Decreased voice quality (wet, hoarse, weak)
Recurring chest infections
Swallowing difficulty: multiple swallows or special maneuvers required to clear throat
Difficulty completing a meal
Feeling of food being stuck in the throat
Soft diet or modified diet required (thickening, pureeing food; soft solids)
Spilling food or liquid from lips and/or drooling
Learn more at www.vitalstim.com.
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